Product information 3850 UC Coupon

3850 UC Coupon

This voucher value can be redeemed for 3850 PUBG Mobile Unknown Cash.
Your voucher use is subject to this voucher's full terms and conditions, available at You agree to all such requirements, terms, and conditions by purchasing, using or accepting these vouchers.
Instruction to Redeem
1. Register or login to your account at Midasbuy (
2. Enter your PUBG Mobile player ID in the verification field.
3. Enter the redemption code printed on the receipt of your purchase of this voucher.
Your voucher use is subject to this voucher's full terms and conditions, available at You agree to all such requirements, terms, and conditions by purchasing, using or accepting these vouchers.
Instruction to Redeem
1. Register or login to your account at Midasbuy (
2. Enter your PUBG Mobile player ID in the verification field.
3. Enter the redemption code printed on the receipt of your purchase of this voucher.
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